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Who are

How we put the guide together:

Adam and I (Ben) are two massive growing enthusiasts. When we decided to go looking for info on how to grow weed we found that most guides were either poorly written, too complicated or lacked the simple and easy to follow advice we were after. So we decided to create the best online resource available for all marijuana growing needs.

First, we read every well respected guide we could lay our hands on including legendary guides from Ed Rosenthal and Jorge Cervantes as well as pretty much every other guide out there. Using our combined 30 years of growing experiences, we then spent over a thousand hours compiling this information into a simple and easy to read format to create the most complete yet easy resource on growing marijuana available on the net.

After compiling the guide, we also spent the same time and patience selecting over 350 of the best types of weed from over a thousand strains available to create an easy to use strain database making strain selection simple.

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