Maple Leaf
The Indica dominant Maple Leaf, a heritage strain based largely on genetics from Afghanistan, gets its name from the classic marijuana shape of its leaves which are surprisingly similar to the maple leaf. This is apt because this strain is one of the many that have emerged over the years from the Canadian cannabis breeding and growing scene. It’s said that the basic stock for this strain was smuggled out of Afghanistan just before the Soviet Union deployed its military there in 1979.
Maple Leaf weed has a pungently earthy and musty odour while the flavour is surprisingly sweet with no hint of acridity but a suggestion of citrus. The stone is heavily sedating – this is a strain that can leave you on the couch for the evening. Medically, it can help people who suffer from insomnia and it can alleviate muscular pain. It also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac.
Maple Leaf seeds produce plants that grow between 100 and 130 centimetres tall. The leaves are broad and dark together with dense buds that are covered in glittering trichomes. THC content ranges from 10 to 15 percent.
Indoors, it thrives in soil or hydro, getting good results by using the SOG method. Growers are recommended to top early on to create bushier plants and increase bud production. Flowering time is seven to eight weeks and yields are on the low side at around 200 to 300 grams per square metre.
This is a hardy plant so people in northern Europe can successfully grow this strain outdoors. Harvest time comes in late September or early October.
If you like an old-school Afghani smoke that’s reminiscent of a quality black hash, then Maple Leaf could be the strain for you.
Strain Characteristics: | |
Indoors or outdoors | Medium |
10 - 15% | 8-9 weeks |
Indica | Late September, Early October |
Afghanistan Landrace | 200 gm2 |
Moderate - Easy |